Education.Restart.Second Chance

Three Crosses Foundation

Giving horses a second chance

Three Crosses Foundation

Working to help horses gain knowledge, understanding, and life skills in order to find them a new and better home for a safer, stronger, and brighter future.

What We Do

Every horse and situation is different that comes through our program. Some have never been touched, some just need some TLC and can begin going to work. We use the best vetrenarians, farriers,  trainers, and nutritionists around to help come up with a plan to help each horse individually.


We teach life skills to allow these horses to learn about us as people and about their abilites as horses. We help them learn skills to deal with new situations, become people horses, ground work, riding, and much more. We hope to instill values and manners in each horse that comes through our foundation in hopes to help them get a chance at a brighter future.

Refeed program

We rarely know what kind of situations these horses come from. We start all horses with dewormer (if we can), de loucing powder, and a refeed program that is catered to each horse specifically. We get the vet out to do an overall exam and helpcome up with a plan to get each horse up to health.

forever homes

Our goal is to get each horse to a point where they can safely find a forever home to love, care, play, and learn with them. We give lessons and work with people and horses to make sure they are a good match and both the horse and person know how to continue forward in their relationship together.